We understand the importance of supporting our community and this has always been practically demonstrated through our donations to, and sponsorship of, a wide range of community groups. As a local, member owned organisation, First Choice Credit Union Ltd has a strong commitment to supporting organisations and initiatives that benefit the local community.
Individuals, groups or organisations applying for sponsorship must complete the official entry form stating why they should qualify for sponsorship. Completed application forms, together with any supporting documentation, must be returned to any of our branches in Achill, Balla, Ballyhaunis, Castlebar, Kiltimagh or Swinford. Applicants must be from within First Choice Credit Union’s common bond, and must be for projects that benefit the local area.
Please note that sponsorship reviews may take up to 2-3 weeks but let us know if your sponsorship is urgent. First Choice Credit Union has a dedicated monetary amount for sponsorships each month and we receive a high number of applications.
2023/2024 Sponsorships
Achill Rev Up Group | Islandeady Foroige |
Balla Drama Group | Mayo Roscommon Hospice |
Balla Golf Club | Castlebar Mitchels Hurling & Camogie |
Balla Sec School | Race 2 Glory K’magh |
Ballyhaunis Defib Group | Snugboro NS Parents Association |
Ballyhaunis Golf Club | Clogher Age Action |
Ballyhaunis Summer Festival | Crimlin Community Centre |
Ballyhaunis Xmas Lights | Eastern Gaels GAA |
Breaffy Rounders | Manulla Community Centre |
Castlebar Mens Shed | St. Aidan’s Parents Association Kiltimagh |
Castlebar Patricks Day Parade | St. Josephs Secondary School Castlebar |
Castlebar Rotary Club | Swinford Community Development |
Castlebar Scouts Group | Swinford NS Parents Assoc. |
Cois Abhainn Residents | Swinford Xmas Lights |
Colaiste Pobail Acla | Western Care Ballyhaunis |
Davitt College Castlebar | Windy Gap Sheepdog Trials |
Irish Motor Neuron Disease Mayo | Christmas Magic at the Barracks Castlebar |