Unfortunately, cases of fraud are continuing to increase and in particular relating to online and SMS fraud. Please continue to be aware of scams being used by fraudsters. Please remember:
- Never respond to an email or text asking for financial, personal or security information.
- Your personal details are precious – always keep PINs and passwords private.
- Don’t click on links or attachments in unsolicited emails or texts. Log into accounts and websites directly.
- Remember, your Credit Union will never ask or phone you for PIN, One-time passcodes, or security details.
- Don’t assume an email, call or text is genuine because someone has basic information like your name or address. Fraudsters use publicly available information to lure you in.
- Did you know it takes two people to terminate a landline call? Make sure you hear a dial tone when you hang up or call back to check the caller’s ID – and never use a number given to you by the caller.
- Always keep your debit/credit card in sight when paying for goods or services.
- Cover your PIN every time you pay using your card and at the ATM.
- Unsecured public Wi-Fi networks are hotspots for fraudsters – use 4G when shopping or banking online.
- If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Stay in control and don’t be rushed into making a decision you might regret. It’s always better to check, chat and challenge.
If at any stage you provide your Credit Union account information to a third party like the scenarios described above, or if you are in any doubt about a company that you have provided your account details to, please contact First Choice Credit Union immediately on 094 9022969.
If you need to report current account or debit card fraud, please call our Card Services team on 01 693 3333 immediately to advise so we can protect your account.
For further information on how you can keep your current account and debit card safe from fraud risks please read your fraud awareness brochure: Protecting You & Your Current Account from Fraud Booklet
What is Money Muling?
Unfortunately, Money Muling is becoming more prevalent throughout our local communities and schools. To find out more about Money Muling please click our Money Muling Brochure.
For further details on the most common scams used by fraudsters, please visit www.FraudSmart.ie